The Situation

Northshore Technical Community College, like most colleges, sought an effective means of reaching high school students and raising awareness within their community. They came to Fox because of our full service education marketing, design and print capabilities.

The Solution

Custom Programs of Study Cards – Using national and local occupational career and salary data, we designed custom cards showcasing NTCC’s programs, career paths, job availability and income data. (See Samples) The school ordered 40 racks and 40 sets of 24 cards which we designed, printed and packaged in-house. NTCC’s 40 program card racks positioned in high schools has been a big success for the college and continues recruiting students today.


Custom College MagazineNorthshore Technical’s NaviGATOR magazine builds awarenss and recruits students for the school within their community with articles about students, programs, events and community projects. Fox writes the content, designs, prints and ships NTCC’s custom college magazines. 



Programs of Study Cards Placed in High Schools


Custom Magazines Distributed

Recruiting Success

“…we have received tremendous interest from the campuses and high schools on the use and practicality of the cards.” – Dr. William Wainwright, PH.D, Chancellor of Northshore Technical Community College

Don't do it!

Don’t navigate the recruitment doldrums alone. Let our talented marketing success team do the heavy lifting.